From the onset, every company creates systems and procedures to manage their daily operations. These systems are unique, even for companies in the same industry. Most often they include manual forms, spreadsheets and various programs.

While using this method at first seems viable for the simplicity and low cost, they reach a point where these processes are slowing down the operations of a growing company.

Information on paper, spreadsheets and programs, can’t communicate with each other or make the reports needed. It does not automate the unique and complex processes that are taking time. It takes time to find and sort what you’re looking for. Information has to be entered more than once in many cases. Without a system, production documents and complex tasks may take hours or all day to produce.

The challenge of creating a generic application for any industry, is that developers are not aware of all the unique systems for every single company. Even if they did know, it would be impossible to include them in reasonable time. Additionally, the cost of inclusion would be overly expensive, and the application will be far too complicated.

The only alternative in creating an industry specific application, is to only include features that the developers know will be used by everyone in that industry.

Such generic applications have a huge shortfall because they don’t allow a company to have the specific time and money saving functionality they require, which is why they are looking for an application in the first place.

When considering a generic system, you don’t have in mind all the issues, features and functions that need to be considered in the current state of operations. Furthermore, in the future, more features will continuously have to be included and new technologies incorporated.

It may appear a generic solution will meet you current and future needs, only to find that it won’t. The providers might not customize, take too long or charge a lot to do so.

Although a generic solution may seem less expensive initially, you have to consider the time and money savings that a custom solution does for all the unique and complex aspects of your business, that a generic system cannot. This is where it pays for itself continuously many times over.

A custom application centers on your business requirements, incorporating the same procedures and documents already present in your company. You can have your operational procedures and ideas turned into an application reality.

As the scope increases and new processes are created, the custom application is scalable to include them. You will have the functionality you need and not have to deal with features you’re not going to use.

businessMATE is made for rapid development, incorporating your current and future systems along with new technologies.

We streamline time consuming and complex tasks to one click.

Joseph Fiore

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